Thursday, April 10, 2014

p is for power monster

Power Monster -- NTH DEGREE cs [Industrial Collapse Productions]

Limited to 25 copies

Finally, a full-length release from Austin's other queen of noise, Alexandra Pharmakadis. Ali has been pretty regular about playing shows around Austin (she's in Providence at the moment, bumming out the locals), but this is only her second release in oodles of years, after a 2010 3-inch cdr. This cassette is a short (under thirty minutes) but potent avalanche of straight-up ugly power electronics, all crunchy walls of noise and screechy pedal-fu. The first side is one long track, "Enmity," which is a slow-motion avalanche of grossed-out noise hell, crunchy grinding ugliness that sort of passes for a rhythm, and bursts of harsh screeching and signifying of rusting mechanical filth. This is the sound of things being blown up and replayed in slo-mo while drenched in overmodulated deathfuzz. OOOO SO SUPER FUCKING CRUNCHIES

The flip side of the tape is pretty happening, too, with two songs, one ("Entropy") fairly long, the other ("End") pretty short. "Entropy" isn't quite as violent and far-ranging as the first side's epic, but it's super-crunchy and tinnitus-inducing, with harsh tones like someone frantically scraping blackboards with shards of broken plastic. Le super uglinesses happening here! So rude it will make your eyes water. This is the sound of metal being mulched. MMM MMMMMM YUMMY NOISE NOMS

The cassette's final minutes are taken up by "End," in which ass-shaking reverb and waves of noise that come and go, insinuating a vastness to the unseen arena from which these noises erupt like strafing waves of anti-aircraft fire. I greatly approve. This is noisy filth for the sake of filth, just the way I like my open acts of antisocial vandalism. Bonus points for boobies on the cover.

PWRMNSTR on Soundcloud: